Weekly Gatherings

Sunday Service

Join us for Sunday service at 11:30 am in person, where we will have a time for worship, a message, and discussion. Afterwards, we eat together :) (food will be provided)

If you are unable to join us in person, you can livestream our services on YouTube. Children’s Ministry is also available every Sunday from 10-11 AM.

We will be going through a sermon series called Ruth: Leading into Life. Pastor Kevin will be looking into the book of Ruth and her character. There is a lot of death and injustice around Ruth, but she shows incredible leadership by choosing life, over and over again.

See you at 11:30am!

Small Groups

Women’s Group

Women’s group will meet at a bi-weekly basis starting 9/15 from 3-5pm at Table Church. We will be going through the topic of relationships!

Men’s Group

Men’s group will have two groups:

One on Fridays 6pm - 8pm
and Sundays 3pm - 5pm

We will meet at a weekly basis starting at Table Church and will be going through the topic of maturity in brotherhood!